Friday, April 22, 2011

How to add your URL to Google, Yahoo and Bing

Hello, in this post i will talk about how to add your url to the most populer search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Adding your URL is important to make your site pages Archive in search engines and so people can find you site in search results.

How to Add your url to Google?
Open this link and then you can write your URL.

How to add your url to Yahoo!?
open this link and then you can add your url and it may ask you to prove that you are the site owner by add a line of code between your <head></head> of your homepage or add a file to your domain and you can delete this line or code or the file after proving.

How to add your url to Bing?
Open this link and then you can write your URL.

This post copyright is for TheGreenSeo
You are allowed to re publish this post just if you will refer to this post link in your page, Be honest and save writers effort.

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