Saturday, April 23, 2011

What is Meta Tags?

Hello, in this post i will talk about what is Meta Tags? from my point of view!
The Meta Tag is a HTML line of code of  written mainly between <Head></Head> of your webpage.

I think that there is a two types of Meta Tags:
First is Meta Tag with Name.
Second is Meta Tag with HTTP-EQUIV.

The difference between them is that Meta Tag with Name is a line of code i put it anyname and anycontent and the browser will not understand it and will not use it and it written in this formate
<META NAME="name_of_tag" CONTENT="content of tag">
for example i can write Meta Tag with name of "who_am_i" and its content is "iam hosam" so the meta tag code will be
<META NAME="who_am_i" CONTENT="iam hosam">
but the second type which is Meta Tag with HTTP-EQUIV is a Meta Tag understanable by the browser and written in this formate
<META HTTP-EQUIV="order_to_browser" CONTENT="content of order">
for example you can make a Meta Tag to make the page refresh or Meta Tag to make the page not cached and so on.

The Question now is .. Why we use Meta Tags?
as we know from previous posts that the search engines have a robots which visit your webpages, this robots use this Meta Tags to understand your page content if there are Meta Tags with special names so robots can find it in your webpage code.

i mean assume that the search engines said to webmasters to make a Meta Tag with name of DESCRIPTION as a code keyword not understandable by browser but understandable by search engine and its content is your page description so it will be easy to search engine to find this Meta Tag and it can easy know your page description.

thats what happen in the real .. there are some keywords Meta Tags understandable by search engines so if the Meta Tags are very important and related to SEO.

in the next post i will write about How to use Meta Tags in SEO?

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