let me start with a question from pervious post which was..
Why we use Meta Tags in SEO?
as we know from previous posts that the search engines have a robots which visit your webpages, this robots use this Meta Tags to understand your page content if there are Meta Tags with special names so robots can find it in your webpage code.
i mean assume that the search engines said to webmasters to make a Meta Tag with name of DESCRIPTION as a code keyword not understandable by browser but understandable by search engine and its content is your page description so it will be easy to search engine to find this Meta Tag and it can easy know your page description.
thats what happen in the real .. there are some keywords Meta Tags understandable by search engines so if the Meta Tags are very important and related to SEO.
The most populer Meta Tags used in SEO are:
<META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Hosam ALaa">The author's name
<META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="summary of web page">write a short summary about your webpage content
<META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="seo, google, webdesign">you collect the main keywords of your webpage, don't write alot of keywords but it is better focus on the most related to your page content
<META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NONE">INDEX: search engine robots should include this page.
FOLLOW: robots should follow links from this page to other pages.
NOINDEX: links can be explored, although the page is not indexed.
NOFOLLOW: the page can be indexed, but no links are explored.
NONE: robots can ignore the page.
GOOGLEBOT special for Google search engine
<META NAME="GOOGLEBOT" CONTENT="NOARCHIVE">you can tell Google that you do not want the page archived, but allow other search engines to do so. If you specify this command, Google will not save the page and the page will be unavailable via its cache.
Learn how to use meta tags in blogger from this article
For copyright issue some content of this post got from http://www.i18nguy.com/markup/metatags.html
This post copyright is for TheGreenSeo http://TheGreenSeo.blogspot.com/
You are allowed to re publish this post just if you will refer to this post link in your page, Be honest and save writers effort.
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