hello, in this post i will talk about The first step in the seo which is
adding your website to search engines.
I will talk in 2 points:
First is adding your main domain ie (http://www.example.com) or (http://sub.example.com).
Second is adding your pages under that domain ie(http://www.example.com/folder/file.html) or (http://www.example.com/file.php?var=content).
Let me start by talking about the differences between the two points..
the main domain is the root of your site and mainly it is the more sensitive page in your site to the search engines because mainly its content change faster but the leafs pages rarely change and also this page contains links to other pages inside your site which guide the search engines robots to your other pages so i think it is important to add this root to search engines.
the pages under your domain it the site leafs and it is a files which contain the useful data of your website saved and organized in this files and mainly ends with .html , .php, .jsp, .aspx and so on but we can change this files name by techniques and we may talk about that later.
NOTE: The domain refers on a page on your site mainly called index or default ie http://www.example.com = http://www.example.com/index.html or http://www.example.com/index.php or http://www.example.com/default.jsp and so on.
How to add your root domain to search engines??
there is 2 methods to do and i think that if you used the two methods in same time it will make your domain detection faster.
1st is informing the search engine about your website, and the most populer search engines provide this service as Google which you can add your domain to them from this link
http://www.google.com/addurl/ but it will not added in same time it need somedays to show your site on Google and i will talk about this in other post.
2nd is to put your site on other sites to let search engines detect your site when its robots visite this other sites, so it is better to write about your site on other sites and forums and put a link to your site.
How to add your site pages to search engines??
it is hard to add every page in your site manually to search engines as methods above but there is other methods to do that as sitemaps.
sitemap is page or file which contains a links of your pages which help search engines archive your site pages easily and faster and you can put a link to this site map on your foot of all pages of your site and you can make this site map update automatically if you use language like php or jsp and so on.
Organizing your site link will also help search engines to archive your links so you can make your important pages in a menu so it will be a sub root in your site ie http://www.example.com/news.php so this news.php page will appear in your site menu in all pages and so it will archive faster and so on.
Finally How to know that your site or page archived and added to Google??
to know if your page added to Google search engine or not follow this steps..
open Google.com
http://www.google.com/ and write in search box
site: followed by your link with http wich no spaces
if a result of your site or page appear so it is added
if no result so it still not archived or detected
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